Lähetä vastaukset sähköpostitse opettajallesi osoiteeseen: nmarsh@sci.fi 2.A Exercise - Use these words to fill in the gaps up got with make being usually in from together on about 1. My house is ................ 6 years old. 2. It’s ............. a very big garden. 3. I get ......... at 6.30 and ................. myself a cup of tea. 4. My wife comes ............... Helsinki. 5. We have breakfast at the same time, we have breakfast ................. 6. I switch ........... the computer and start work. 7. We ..................... have a sauna 3 times a week. 8. I like .............. outside in the fresh air. 9. I’m not interested .............. watching TV. 10. Leigh works ............... his computer 2 or 3 hours a day. 2.B Writing practice Find 10 words that are new for you from the text, and make sentences with them 1. ............................................................................................ 2. ............................................................................................ 3. ............................................................................................ 4. ............................................................................................ 5. ............................................................................................ 6. ............................................................................................ 7. ............................................................................................ 8. ............................................................................................ 9. ............................................................................................ 10. ............................................................................................ 2.C Exercise - Translate these sentences 1. Missä sinä työskentelet? Työskentelen ravintolassa. 2. Milloin aloitat työsi? Aloitan työni klo 7.30. 3. Lukeeko opettajasi englantilaisia sanomalehtiä? Kyllä lukee. 4. Kuinkä usein sinä käyt saunassa? Käyn saunassa kolme kertaa viikossa. 5. Milloin juna lähtee Helsinkiin? Se lähtee klo 5.25. 6. Milloin se saapuu Helsinkiin? Se saapuu Helsinkiin klo 12.00. 7. Juovatko englantilaiset paljon teetä? Kyllä, he juovat paljon teetä. 2.D Do the following questionnaire 1. What time do you usually stop work? a) before 4 o'clock. b) between 4 o'clock and 5 o'clock. c) after 5 o'clock. a b c 2. What do you usually do in the evening? a) read. b) watch television. c) do sport. d) go out. a b c d 3. How often do you a) visit friends? rarely b) go to a restaurant or pub? once or twice a week c) do sport? three or four times a week d) watch TV? every night a b c d 4. Do you ever go to a) the theatre? often b) an ice-hockey match? sometimes c) a football match? seldom d) the swimming pool? never e) the cinema? occasionally a b c d e 2.E Complete these sentences about yourself See vocabulary lists at the end FOOD I like ..................... I love .................... I sometimes eat ........................... I never eat ................................... I often eat .................................... DRINK I usually drink .............................. in the morning I sometimes drink .......................... I often drink .................................. I never drink ................................. TELEVISION I usually watch............................... I sometimes watch......................... I don’t watch................................. I occasionally watch ...................... SPORT I sometimes play ........................... I like ............................................. I also like ...................................... I never play ................................... I seldom watch .............................. on TV MUSIC I love ............................................ I often listen to ............................. I don’t like .................................... I hate ............................................ INTERESTS I’m very interested in .................... I’m also interested in ..................... I like ............................................. I also like ...................................... NEWSPAPER I usually read ................................ I often read ................................... I don’t read ................................... I never buy .................................... HOLIDAYS I sometimes ....... .......................... I usually ........................................ I never .......................................... BOOKS I read ............................................ I sometimes read ........................... I never read ................................... LANGUAGES I speak ........................... at home. I speak a little .............................. I don’t speak................................ USEFUL VOCABULARY: Food fruit - hedelmät, vegetables - vihannekset, healthy food - terveellinen ruoka ice cream - jäätelö, pizza - pizza, hamburger - hampurilainen, cakes - kakkuja Drink cocoa - kaakao, fruit juice - mehu, fizzy drinks - virvoitusjuomat, mineral water - mineraalivesi, spirits - viina, wine - viini Television the news - uutiset, current affairs programmes - ajankohtaisohjelmat, documentaries - dokumenttielokuvat, films - elokuvat, quiz shows - tietokilpailut Sport squash - squash, badminton - sulkapallo, aerobics - aerobic, go cross-cuntry skiing - mennä hiihtämään, go downhill skiing - mennä laskettelemaan Music pop - pop-musiikki, dance music, folk music - kansanmusikki, techno music - technomusiikkia, techno dance, dance pop - discomusiikki, heavy metal music - heavymusiikki, opera - oopperamusiikki, jazz music - jazzmusiikki, classical music - klassinen musiikki Interests travelling - matkailu, sewing - ompelu, baking - leivonta, doing handicraft - tehdä käsitöitä, knitting - kutominen , woodwork - puutyöt, do-it-yourself - tee-se-itse, politics, local politics - paikallispolitiikka, all kinds of sport - kaikenlainen urheilu Newspapers daily paper - päivälehti, evening paper - iltalehti, sports section - urheilusivut, financial pages - taloussivut, adverts - mainokset Holidays go abroad - mennä ulkomaille, stay at home - pysyä kotona, go to a summer cottage - mennä kesämökille, go for a skiing holiday - mennä hiihtolomalle Books science fiction - tieteiskirjallisuus, detective story - salapoliisiromaani, romantic novels -rakkausromaanit, thrillers - jännärit, spy stories - vakoiluromaanit, non-fiction - tosikertomukset 2.F Exercise - Translate these sentences 1. Minkälaisesta ruuasta pidät? 2. Syötkö koskaan kalaa? 3. Minkälaisista juomista pidät? 4. Mitä juot tavallisesti aamulla? 5. Mitä TV-ohjelmia katselet? 6. Pidätkö tietokilpailuista? 7. Mitä urheilua harrastat? 8. Oletko kiinnostunut urheilusta? 9. Kuinka usein urheilet? 10. Minkälaisesta musiikista pidät? 11. Pidätkö rockista? 12. Mistä olet kiinnostunut? 13. Minkälaisia sanomalehtiä luet? 14. Luetko koskaan ulkomaalaisia sanomalehtiä? 15. Luetko urheilusivut? 16. Mihin menet tavallisesti lomalla? 17. Minkälaisista kirjoista pidät?