UNIT 11 Please complete and send to your instructor. 11.A Exercise - Please translate these sentences 1. Jos olisit syönyt aamiaista, et olisi ollut nälkäinen. 2. Hän olisi ostanut takin, jos hänellä olisi ollut luottokortti mukanaan. 3 Olisimme unohtaneet Jarkon syntymäpäivän, jos hän ei olisi kertonut meille ajoissa. 4. He eivät olisi menneet Singaporeen jos he olisivat tienneet kuinka kallista siellä oli. 5. Olisin ottanut valokuvia, jos olisin muistanut tuoda kameran mukaani. 6. Olisin vieraillut luonasi sairaalassa, jos olisin tiennyt, että olet sairaana. 7. He olisivat saaneet kirjeen tänään, jos olisit lähettänyt sen eilen. 8. Mitä olisimme tehneet, jos et olisi auttanut? 11.B What would you have done? This time, imagine that you are in a situation. Say what you would have done or what would have happened, if .......... Example: The building was on fire but nobody knew what to do. If I had been there I would have called the fire brigade 1. It was your best friends birthday, but you forgot. If I’d remembered ....... 2. You bought a second-hand car. It had 50,000 kilometres "on the clock". Later you find out that it had really done 250,000 kilometres. If I’d known ..... 3. You didn’t remember to set your alarm clock and you were late for work. If I’d ....... 4. You forgot to do Lotto. The numbers you always choose came up. If I’d......... 5. Your car stopped on the middle of the motorway because the petrol tank was empty. If I’d........ 6. You had a bad car crash. You were wearing a seat-belt so you weren’t injured. If I hadn’t........ 11.C Typical questions asked by foreigners. Give good small talk answers to these questions. What kind of government have you got? What are the main political parties? Does the President have much power? How often do you have elections? How old must you be to vote? Are people very interested in politics? How many Members of Parliament are there? Have you got many women ministers? Which parties are in the government? Is the Communist Party strong here? How popular are the Greens? Are politicians well paid in Finland? When you have completed this page, test yourself by covering one half and try to remember either the answers or the questions. 11.D Writing exercise Write 10 questions you could ask a foreigner about the political system in their country 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.E Write sentences of your own using the following "do and make" idioms 1 make an effort 2 make a mistake 3 do business 4 make trouble 5 make ... sad 6 do homework 7 make a profit 8 do the cleaning 9 make a speech 10 make .... pay 11.F Writing practice Think of a person you know very well. Make a list of 10 things that he or she should / shouldn’t do (or ought to / ought not to do) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Lähetä vastaukset sähköpostitse opettajallesi osoiteeseen: nmarsh@sci.fi