Sometimes when we don’t know the English word for something we must describe it. This section is designed to give you practice at describing things. Look at these descriptions and match them with the word in the second column


1. It’s the part of a radio where you can hear the sound   loudspeaker  
2. It’s something you use to make your hair tidy   comb  
3. It’s the part of the body that joins the upper and lower leg   knee  
4. It’s a kind of wooden box with strings that makes music   guitar  
5. You use it for putting plants in.   flower pot  
6. You cut paper with this tool   scissors  
7. You read it very day   newspaper  
8. It’s something you use to cook food in   saucepan  
9. It’s a place you go to buy meat   butcher's  
10. It’s a machine for playing or recording sound   tape recorder  
11. It’s a big plant and is home for birds and insects   tree  
12. You can travel from place to place in this   train  
13 You use it in the garden to collect leaves   rake  
14 It’s an animal that gives us milk   cow  
15 You make pieces of wood smaller with this tool   axe  
16 Stuff men use on their face in the morning   after-shave lotion  
17 A thing for drinking out of   mug  
18 Something you put on your hair after shampooing it   hair conditioner  
19 A kitchen machine for washing dirty cups and plates   dish-washer  
20 A liquid used for cleaning dirty food dishes   washing-up liquid  
21 A tool used for digging a garden   spade  
24. A place where you can stay overnight   hotel  
