12.10 Listening Comprehension - Listen to the tape and write the figures in the spaces

1. The tallest woman in the world is Sandy Allen, who was born

in Chicago in 1955. She weighedat birth. At the age of 10 years old she was already tall. Today, Sandy istall and she weighsThe tallest man in the world was Robert Pershing Wadlow of the USA. He wastall.

2. The heaviest man who ever lived was an American taxi driver

called Jon Minnoch. He weighed The heaviest woman was Rosalie Bradford, also of the USA, who weighed in 1987. After 1987 Rosalie went on a diet and in 1994 her weight was

3. The largest office building in the world is the World Trade

Centre in New York. The total office space in the building is of which are in the two main towers. The two towers have lifts and windows containing of glass. Over 50,000 people work there.

4. The biggest passenger carrying aeroplane in the world was a

Boeing 747-400n delivered to Northwest Airlines in 1988. The plane has a wingspan of and the length of the plane is It can fly kilometres and can carry passengers. Its maximum speed is km/h.

5. The hottest place on Earth was a place in Libya called

Aziziyahiassa. On 13.9.1922 a temperature of was recorded. The highest temperature recorded in Finland was, this was recorded on 9.7.1914 in Turku. The coldest temperature recorded on Earth was this was recorded at the Vostok research station at the South Pole in 1983.
