12.12 Pikaharjoitus Täydennä lauseita, käyttäen suluissa olevia sanoja, muuta verbimuodot tarvittaessa

esim. We ............................................. ( central heating / install) next week.

We are having central heating installed next week.

1. I’m going to the dentist tomorrow. I (need /my teeth / check).Vastaus

2. Where’s Jane? She’s at the opticians, she (eyes/test) Vastaus

3. Do you buy your newspaper from the kiosk or do you ? (it / deliver )Vastaus

4. My hair is too long. I (must / it / cut ) Vastaus

5. My old garage is not big enough so I (going to / new one/ build) Vastaus

6. My car is very dirty. I (must / it / wash) Vastaus.

7. The washing machine isn’t working. We (want to / it / repair). Vastaus.
