UNIT 12 Please complete and send to your instructor. 12.A Exercise Last week you met a friend of yours, Jane. She told you many things. Here are some of the things she said to you: 1. I’m getting married next month 2. We’ll go to Toronto for our honeymoon 3. My fiance works in a bank 4. His parents live in Tokyo 5. I haven’t seen Mike for a long time 6. You can come and visit us in Oxford 7. I must write to my Godmother 8. I’ve been ill recently 9. Peter had a bad car accident 10. I don’t know about Mark. You tell another friend what Jane told you. Use reported speech 1. Jane said that she was getting married next month. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12.B Exercise Look at these messages that came in. Report them as in the example Messages: 9.00 John. He can’t come to the meeting tomorrow. 10.00 Mr.Parks. They’ll finish the report in three days. 11.00 Dawn. She’s ill and the doctor has told her to stay in bed for 3 days. 12.30 Mary. She wants you to send her 200 catalogues. They are needed urgently. 14.00 Manchester office. The workers are threatening to go on strike. 15.00 Parsons Ltd. They still haven’t received the items they ordered 2 weeks ago. 16.00 Your daughter. Can you take here to the airport this evening at 9 o’clock? 1. John said that he couldn’t come to the meeting tomorrow. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 12.C Describe the items in the pictures (see your English file) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12.D Answer the questions 1. How often do you have your hair cut? 2. Do you service your car yourself or do you have it serviced? 3. Have you ever had your car washed? 4. When did you last have your photograph taken? 5. Have you ever had your portrait painted? 6. How often do you have your teeth checked? 7. Do you ever have new curtains made? 8. When did you have your car tested? 12.E Exercise Find 10 words that were new for you in 12.14 and use them in your own sentences 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12.F Give polite negative answers to these questions 1. May I smoke here? 2. Do you mind if I open the window? 3. Is it all right to park my car here? 4. Could you lend me 200 mk until tomorrow? 5. Is it OK if I leave my briefcase in this room? 6. Can I use your phone to telephone my office? 7. Have you got a photocopying machine here? 8. Would you like another cup of coffee? 12.G FINLAND'S HISTORY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Give good small talk answers to these typical questions asked by foreigners: How long has Finland been independent? Which countries has Finland been under? How long was Finland under Sweden? When did Finland become part of Russia? Did Finland have a good relationship with the Soviet Union? Does Finland do much business with Russia today? How about Finland's relationship with the other Scandinavian countries? What about the relationship with the Baltic countries? Is Finland a member of NATO? Lähetä vastaukset sähköpostitse opettajallesi osoiteeseen: nmarsh@sci.fi