Unit 14 Exercises for sending to your instructor 14.5 Exercise - Make suitable questions for these answers 1. No, I'm going on holiday. 2. I'm sorry, I don't know which terminal. 3. I'm sorry, I've only got a £5 note. 4. No it isn't. You need a number 17 bus for Summertown. 5. Yes, I'll tell you when to get off. 6. My flight leaves at 9.15. 7. A return ticket costs £3. 8. No, the buses in Swindon are single-decker ones. 9. You need to change in Queen Street. 10. Yes, I'll need a receipt. 14.7 Exercise Translate these sentences 1. Taloamme maalataan parhaillaan. 2. Tukkani on leikattu huonosti. 3. Kirje olisi lähetetty eilen. 4. Tämä kello voidaan korjata, mutta se on kallista. 5. Kotitehtävät on tehtävä huolellisesti. 6. Polkupyöräni varastettiin kun olin kaupassa. 7. Aikatauluamme voitaisiin muuttaa, jos haluaisimme. 8. Taksi pitäisi tilata hyvissä ajoin. 9. Puhelinlaskuni täytyy maksaa. 10. Sähkölaskuni on maksettu. 14.10 Answer these questions 1. When was this book written? 2. How often must cars be tested in this country? 3. Where should old batteries be taken? 4. Is much paper recycled in this country? 5. Are many buildings heated by solar heating in your country? 6. Have you ever been asked to be a witness? 7. Should more nuclear power stations be built? 8. Can rice be grown in your country? 9. Has your local post office ever been robbed? 10. Were any good films made in your country last year? 14.12 Talk about television in your country. Write 3 or 4 sentences under each of the headings to tell something about TV in your country. Try to learn the sentences by heart. State channels and independent channels Sport Popular programmes The TV licence Adverts Soap operas 14.13 ) Writing practice. Find 15 new words from this chapter and write your own sentences using those words: 1. __________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________________________________ 7. __________________________________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________________________________ 9. __________________________________________________________________ 10. __________________________________________________________________ 11. __________________________________________________________________ 12. __________________________________________________________________ 13. __________________________________________________________________ 14. __________________________________________________________________ 15. __________________________________________________________________