Unit 15 Exercises to send to your instructor 15.8 Exercise Lue nämä lauseet ja sen jälkeen kirjoitta uusi lause jolla on sama merkitys, käyttä suluissa annettuja sanoja Esim: She arrived late although she left early (despite) She arrived late despite the fact that she left early She arrived late despite leaving early 1. Although she is in prison, she is really innocent. (despite) Despite......................................................................................................................... 2. She decided to travel to New York although it was not her first choice for a holiday. (in spite of) She decided to ............................................................................................................ 3. Liverpool won the football game although Everton played better. (despite) ..................................................................................................................................... 4 In spite of his bad headache, he managed to finish the report. (although) .................................................................................................................................... 5. *In spite of wearing thick woollen gloves, my hands were frozen. (even though) ................................................................................................................................ 6. Despite the bad weather, we enjoyed our holiday. Although..................................................................................................................... 15.9 Translate these sentences 1. Vaikka minulla oli hattu päässä, korvani palelivat. 2. Minä en koskaan kuuntele ranskalaisia lauluja, huolimatta siitä että puhun ranskaa sujuvasti. 3. Huolimatta siitä että hän ei ollut nälkäinen, hän tilasi voileivan kärrytarjoilijalta. 4. Me yritämme aina auttaa köyhiä, vaikka emme ole itse varakkaita. 5. Kaikista niistä merkinantohäiriöistä huolimatta, juna saapui ajoissa. 6. Hän ajaa yhä autoa, vaikka on kuuro ja melkein sokea. 15.11 Writing practice - Do you know any Finnish jokes? Write one down (in English!) 15.12 Listening comprehension. Listen to the stories on the cassette and then answer the questions. STORY 1 1. Where did the men come from? 2. How long did they spend at Brighton? 3. Why was the man from the town lying on the ground? 4. What did the men think when they saw him? 5. Why did nobody open the door of the man's house when the friends rang the doorbell? 6. What mistake had the friends made? STORY 2 1. Why didn't John like doing his homework? 2. How did John usually do his homework? 3. Why was one of the teachers surprised one day? 4. What did the teacher think had happened? 5. Did John usually do his homework alone? 6. Why hadn't his father helped him with his homework? 15.14 Talking about radio in your country. Write 3 or 4 sentences for each heading to tell something about radio in your country. Try to learn the sentences by heart. National stations and local stations Commercial radio In the morning, in the car Types of programmes Advertising 15.15 Give good small talk answers to these questions about radio 1. How many national radio channels are there in Finland? 2. Are they state owned, commercial, or both? 3. What kind of local radio stations are there in your area? 4. How often do you listen to the radio? 5. What kind of programmes do you listen to? 6. Which do you prefer, local or national stations? Why? 7. Where do you listen to radio? 8. Do you ever read the radio guide in the paper? 9. How much does a radio licence cost in Finland? 10. Do you get many listener phone-in programmes? 11. What's your favourite type of radio programme? 12. Do you ever listen to sport on the radio? 13. In your car do you prefer to listen to radio or cassettes? 14. What do you think of the quality of the national programmes? 15. What about the quality of the local stations? 16. Have you ever taken part in a radio programme? 17. Do you ever listen to radio in the evening when you are relaxing? 18. Do you ever listen to foreign radio stations? Which ones? 19. Do you think they should have the radio on in trains and buses? 20. How many radios have you got in your home? 15.18 Exercise Fill the gaps. Use the simple present or present continuous, positive or negative Example: Mike isn't working at the moment. He's unemployed. (work) 1. A: Where's Mary? B: She's in the living room, she ________________ (drink a cup of tea) 2. My wife and I want to lose weight so we _________________ .(eat less) 3. A: How_____________ to work? B: I usually go by car. (travel) 4. Caroline's a vegetarian, she never ________________ (eat meat) 5. A: Why _______________________ ? B: Because I'm very sad. (cry) 6. Let's turn the radio off, nobody ___________________ (listen to it) 7. A: Have a glass of red wine. B: No, thank you, I _______________ .(like wine) 8. A: What ____________________ ? B: A cake I made this morning. (eat)